Sunday 17 March 2013

Art & Copy.

The film Art & Copy expresses the different opinions given by people in the advertising business about creativity and advertising.
"Advertising makes food taste better, it makes cars run better, it changes the perception of everything! - Quote from film.
"If you speak honestly and use this profession to do that, wierd shit can happen!" - Quote from film.
"what you can do is manufacture any feeling that you want to manufacture" - Quote from film.
The interesting part of the film for me, was how they explain advertising to be trashy and manipulative when put into the wrong hands. - "I guess I understand why people trash advertising because a lot of advertising is trashy, but you can do so much more.." - Quote from the film. But when creativity happens, the ads with the deeper meanings, and ones that connect to people on a personal level are the ones that are the most affective.

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