Monday 8 October 2012

A More Cultural Aston Martin!

Aston Martin zooms into India! and that's what we've been looking at today. Upon looking at Aston Martin's new venture into India we looked into the cultural adaptations of the ads, as any old British ad wouldnt quite fit the bill over there! We explored the cultural differences and how we would go about creating an ad for such a different part of the world

We found that the biggest dilemma with trying to advertise for any car in India is the traffic congestion, you can see from the above picture that even attemptin to drive around however long the journey would be a pain! We also looked into the target audience, we decided it would be the wealthy as they were the ones most likely to afford it.

We then looked into the cultural aspects of India, the ideas and concepts that we could bring into an ad campain. A topic that could incoorporate heritage and culture, while associating with cars is what was needed.
We then found that although British, the world has found a connection between Aston Martin and James Bond. So we decided to explore it.
We never did have time to fully complete our idea's into a campaign, but it was still a useful experience. I now know that when tackling the creation of a campain of a different culture the trick is to research, research and do some more research! Maybe even take a sneaky trip over there if you have the loan to cover you.

1 comment:

  1. 'the trick is to research, research and do some more research!' You said it, so now start to do it... It would be good to see some research here in this blog, into the culture you have chosen to be the context of one of your ads.
    Well done - some interesting insights.
