Monday 8 October 2012

Marks In Time.

1) List the five M&S core principles=

· Quality

· Value

· Science

· Innovation

· Trust


2) Pick two M&S ads from different decades and describe the contextual influences upon the M&S brand at each period of time=


During the 60’s ads were being influenced heavily by cinema, radio and celebrity of the period. The M&S ‘St Micheals for Men’ ad approves this as it explores the life of the ‘modern man’ at that time ; with the ad being positioned at a race course with use of sports cars as props to add a feeling of sophistication and  successfulness. Also, at this time racing cars would have been a relatively new concept at this time so including this in the ad again suggests the idea of ‘the modern man’. At the time ads were also composing tunes much like that from a musical and engaging in celebrity endorsement through the influence of cinema.

A more recent ad from M&S shows that the ad’s that are being directed at men are still fundamentally similar to those back in the 60’s. The 2011 ad featuring Ryan Reynolds and Rosie Huntington still suggest to the male viewer connotations of sophistication and successfulness through use of picturing famous celebrities in glamorous shots.  Although, unlike the 1960’s ad this ad is depicting the ‘modern man’ to be one in a committed relationship while being fashionable; this suggesting the aspects of the male role in modern society. The ad also includes what sounds like French style instrumental music, again this stereotypically suggests sophistication and maybe even hints of romance!


3) Describe how the 125 years of M&S ad represents its core ideas to audiences, through art direction and copywriting=


The ad sends the viewer through a visual timeline of the history of M&S. "the vision to change the lives of us ordinary Brits forever" this script extract from the ad suggests M&S's innovative ideas and value. The ad then suggests the quality and innovation of M&S products by sampling the audience with its discoveries, such as machine washable suits, properly fitted underwear and the addition of non-British foods; "curry in a hurry". The ad then also portrays M&S's core principle of science, through its addition of sell-by dates onto perishable goods. "Noone goes further to bring you the best possible food for the fairest possible price" this script extract from the ad affirms trust in the viewer, as it is bluntly saying that nothing can beat it!



4) Name the classy setting for the Autumn 2007 ad and explain why you think this location was selected and what meaning(s) this expresses=

The Autumn ad 2007 is located on board The Orient Express; it includes famously elegant celebrities such as Twiggy and Mylene Klass. The Orient Express itself is a figure of wealth and beauty, suggesting to the viewer that they can also feel like this when purchasing M&S products. This can also be seen during the ending of the ad as the women leave the Orient Express and are riding along the river of what seems to be Venice, again expressing connotations of wealth and beauty. The colours in the ad also applies the connotations of wealth, through uses of golds, bronzes and silvers.


5) Describe the target audience of Your M&S and what your view is based on=

Your M&S appears to target women in particular, as it focuses on household goods such as food and also clothing. It sends connotations of luxury, comfort and elegance which stereotypically is what women strive for in everyday life, therefore appealing to them.

1 comment:

  1. Your analysis is very thorough, well done. It will be good to compare these with your subsequent analyses - using semiotics and myth.
