Sunday 3 February 2013


Surrealism by nature is interesting, because its based around the surreal and the things you wouldnt see in everyday life. This itself makes it good for advertising, if it works, it intrigues the viewer. It's the human way to be curious and to want to find the answers to things, and since surrealism is the un-answerable it catches the eyes of the people who see it.
The pictures below are the ads for Absolut's 'In an absolut world' campaign. The campaign itself is based around surrealism, the things that could'nt happen, but what could happen in an ideal or 'absolut' world. Like the idea of buying the 'perfect man' in a box and putting him together yourself, or politicians who's noses grow when they lie, like pinocchio.
The picture below is a campaign for Lifebuoy hand wash, 'You eat what you touch'. As the picture suggests, your croissant is actually your cat if youve just pet your cat.
Influenced by Salvador Dali, a famous surrealist, this ad for Volkswagen perfectly illustrates surrealism. It shows the connection between high energy consumption and low energy consumption, depicting the Volkswagen Polo to be as energy consuming as clouds.


  1. this post shows your visual literacy skills and your knowledge of surrealist techniques. Again though - be good to substantiate your views with reference to research.

  2. Overall, your work is of a good standard and it would be good to see more reading and evidence of research. Your contextual analysis skills are very good and it would be great to see more semiotic analysis undertaken - think about these comments while constructing your essay.
